Episode 193: COVIDisney+

It’s not as though we set out each episode to talk about our current thoughts of the ongoing health crisis here in America, but it’s like, how can you not talk about it right now? Apologies to our fams in other countries who have dealt with it in a reasonable and professional manner, but the US is just shitting the bed with COVID on a daily basis, and that can be a tough thing to deal with day after day.

On a lighter note, there’s no way in hell you’re going to catch me dead paying $30.00 for the opportunity to see Mulan on Disney+. I can’t even think of a movie where that would be acceptable to me. I won’t even pay the $20.00 to see Troll World Tour, 2020’s only other movie. So, we share our thoughts on that, too. This week, on Zero Credit(s).