Monthly Archives: January 2017

Episode 45: Gaslighting Spiderman aka We Forgot to Talk About Star Wars

Through the old rusted pipes of Skype come we, dear Listeners, in this episode of our time-honored podcast. Henry and John are charged up and drop some politically charged knowledge about the state of our nation, the people in charge of it, and how not tolerating “alternative facts” is the new Uncle Sam. They then rewrite the Spiderman theme to better reflect the eight-eyed supervillian’s true colors after John regales us of his harrowing trip to the optometrist. Anna Karenina is mentioned as we dive into the meat of movie magic, with special correction reports from the field by special person-in-the-room-but-not-formally-on-the-episode Jamie. Someone remind us to talk about Star Wars before the episode is over, please, as we will forget before time is up. John really has a lot to say about Star Wars this week, and we wouldn’t want to miss out on what promises to be the best content we have ever produced for the show. No seriously, just reach out and talk to us during the show and remind us to talk about Star Wars. We’re going to get lost in our political talk and Spiderman theme rewrite. So don’t be afraid to just shout out to us as you’re listening to remind us to talk about gee dee Star Wars.

Episode 44: Cyber Credit(s)

Join Henry and John as they venture into The Cyber, having left their physical forms behind. In this new digital age, old standards of discourse are a relic of times gone by, leaving The Cyber Boys to blast open the flood gates of Internet Babies, Regular Babies, and the monetization of babies. In what might be the most unwittingly ironic event of 2017 (thus far), John openly discusses his desire to become a person who capitalizes on his desires rather than just talking about them. John talks about Star Wars for like 4 hours. Skip. The Boys then discuss, Unfortunately, a Series of Events which one might consider to be Lemony… and uh, S… Snicket. Moving on. BONUS: what’s marriage all about, anyway? Find out tonight, on a brand new episode of Zero Credit(s)!

Less Than Zero 2: Here’s Jamie / Thradgitarius Rising

Here’s Jamie

The Less Than Zeroes continue with special guest and Henry’s girlfriend, Jamie. Come listen all that gushy couple stuff that you can’t stand to see in public. It’s Jamie’s podcast debut and she can barely contain her excitement. Find out what happened to the box, what Jamie wants to do with the Sharp TV, and more shocking mysteries. We’ve got a tiny What Did You Watch, where Jamie and Henry explore the finer and possibly missed points of Matt Damon and Ben Affleck’s opus: Good Will Hunting. It’s a fun-sized, fun-filled episode and it’s all for you!

Thradgitarius Rising

John, fearing for the future funding for our dear show (Zero Credit(s)), turns to the insider scoop and scores an exclusive interview with one of the most successful, brightest, and handsomest BigWig in the Biz, whose identity we have withheld on his request even though he is a prominent figure in the podcast world. If you’ve listened to a top 10 podcast in the past decade, you’ve heard some of his handiwork, even if you didn’t know it. John and Thradgitarius, as we are contractually obligated to call him, discuss some of the dirty secrets of the podcast world. Will John secure funding for the podcast? Will Thradgitarious answer a single one of John’s questions? You gotta listen to find out.

Less Than Zero 1: Grand Moff Talkin’ / Filling Space

Grand Moff Talkin’
Listeners, John and Henry cannot be together this week, both physically and emotionally and as such, this is the first Less Than Zero episode, a spin-off of Zero Credit(s) featuring the people you love to listen to, but in a different capacity. For instance, John got friend of the show and special guest Natalie to talk about Rogue One with this week in an attempt to fill the Henry-sized hole in his black, black heart. Sure they discuss all the finer points and in’s and out’s of this pretty decent movie, but you can tell there’s a longing there within the commentary and jokes about Forrest Whitaker. A longing that threatens to devour John alive, lest he discuss the thematic elements of Gareth Edwards’ smash hit Rogue One: A Star Wars Story now in theaters for a limited time.

Filling Space
Henry is lost. He projects into the darkness and finds only himself. People have spoken at length of the darkness of space, the cold. No one talks about the loneliness. A man, a microphone, a canal, Panama. He drifts, and with no tether comes a new sense of freedom. Unchained from the rule of law set forth by his dark masters, Henry is able to reach a level of self-analysis thus far unheard of. And he discusses other podcasts. Very forbidden. We are all standing on the shoulders of giants, and Henry’s giant is just a larger version of himself who used to record video games. Or perhaps it is Dan Harmon. Mysterious. In the darkness it’s impossible to tell if this is something new or terribly old, if this is the beginning or the end, and if anything truly mattered. Who was that John guy? Oh, look. A space baby.