Monthly Archives: November 2020

Episode 202: The Incredible Houk

John’s back and the world breathes out a sigh of relief since that means Jeff won’t even come close to ruining this episode. Thank god, right? Isn’t Jeff the worst? I hope he reads this. We get right into it with some topics I don’t remember but we eventually start talking about the upcoming sequel to Bloodshot starring Vin Diesel. Look, it’s Thanksgiving and I’m full of Turkey, so I’m gonna wrap this up. Thanks for listening to Zero Credit(s) and happy Thanksgiving!

Episode 201: I Bet You’re Wondering Why I Asked You On (Featuring Jeff)

It’s the brand new start of a fresh season here on Zero Credit(s) and Henry has brought on good ole friend-of-the-podcast and good-close-personal-friend Jeff to kick things off with excitement and expert knowledge. That’s right, the Zero Credit(s) resident expert Jeff makes a guest appearance to walk Henry through the perils and joys of home ownership now that Henry has traded a Victorian Manor for a present day home (see episode 200). Jeff serves double duty as the Zero Credit(s) resident expert on all things Zack Snyder and drops some of those killer deets about the brand new trailer for The Snyder Cut released that very same day. You’ll never believe who the one true Snyder replaced the main villain of Justice League with, but Jeff knows it all. It’s all here on this week of Season 5 Zero Credit(s).

Episode 200: The End of the Time Thing

After a month of hopping through time at the behest of the Zeitgeists, those perky time ghosts of old, the Zero Credit(s) boys are finally back together in the Victorian Manor they call home. With a special guest appearance of the official Zero Credit(s) Boy on the Street, we have a pretty retrospective episode about where the boys have been, how they used to be, and of course, laughing about the demise of Quibi, may it rest in peace. It’s the 200th episode of Zero Credit(s) and boy do we have plans for you.