Monthly Archives: January 2022

Banner Image for Episode 247: We're Too Dumb to Hurt People

Episode 247: We’re Too Dumb to Hurt People

The ZC Boys 23 years after its U.S. debut, Fight Club is available to stream in China via the platform Tencent Video, only this version is just a slightly tad different. Also, a fight is breaking out over Spotify. In one corner, a man who needs no introduction, for no one cares who he is. In the other corner, a man that ostensibly we should know but sadly do not. Who’s going to win – and it’s already been decided that the man who no one cares about has won due to bringing in more listeners. We’ve got that, plus some interesting concepts for new Oreos, right here, on Zero Credit(s).

Banner Image for Episode 246: Written in Blood on the Stone

Episode 246: Written in Blood on the Stone

The Zero Credit(s) boys are back at it with following up on new developments to old stories previously covered on the podcast. Vulture published a new article covering Joss Whedon’s fall from grace, but in what light does it paint the once-famed showrunner? Also big moves in the world of video games as companies keep eating one another – who will win the console wars and why is it Taco Bell? These questions and more insanity as John is unleashed on this week’s episode of Zero Credit(s).

Banner Image for Episode 245: A No Bones Day for Lin-Manuel Miranda

Episode 245: A No Bones Day for Lin-Manuel Miranda

Henry’s brain is back this week to carry the bulk of this episode for better or worse. What he planned to talk about? The Dwayne Johnson vs Vin Diesel beef. What they end up talking about? A girl who sells farts in jars has a heart attack and has to retire. So it might be for the worse. Who knows? We cover it all here on Zero Credit(s), and we mean it all.

Banner Image for Episode 244: Symbiote Riddled Hog

Episode 244: Symbiote Riddled Hog

It’s the first episode of 2022 and Henry’s been shot…with the booster that is and boy is he feeling just all sorts of out it. Can John cobble together a coherent enough episode while Henry is flailing in the wings? Who knows? We’ve got an update in the Elizabeth Holmes story, some late breaking Venomverse news, and a little look back on a series of movies that has held up over time. All that and more coming your way soon, on Zero Credit(s).