Episode 347: Wizards Aren’t Legally People ft Drew

John has spirited away to San Fransicko, so we’ve had to call in the big guns. Everyone, meet Drew. Together, we talk video games, scandals, Deadpool x Wolverine, and of course that ever important segment The Highway to the Hellhouse. It’s all right here, on Zero Credit(s).

Episode 342: Delve, Hoover, Peg

What’s that, the AI people are doing something dumb again? Well you know John’s there getting all the details. Henry’s got a small Godzilla update and then it’s straight onto the Highway to the Hellhouse. A new movie. A new announcement. What’s going on? Find out right here on Zero Credit(s).

Episode 341: Let Me Call Walt Disney Real Quick

We’re so back this week with some lightning round headline round up. Boeing whistleblowers, Helldivers 2 scandals, and a rap battle for the ages. That plus a lightning round Highway to the Hellhouse where we dive into some of the best news for each candidate. Your number one delayed news source is here, on Zero Credit(s).