Episode 347: Wizards Aren’t Legally People ft Drew

John has spirited away to San Fransicko, so we’ve had to call in the big guns. Everyone, meet Drew. Together, we talk video games, scandals, Deadpool x Wolverine, and of course that ever important segment The Highway to the Hellhouse. It’s all right here, on Zero Credit(s).

Episode 342: Delve, Hoover, Peg

What’s that, the AI people are doing something dumb again? Well you know John’s there getting all the details. Henry’s got a small Godzilla update and then it’s straight onto the Highway to the Hellhouse. A new movie. A new announcement. What’s going on? Find out right here on Zero Credit(s).

Episode 341: Let Me Call Walt Disney Real Quick

We’re so back this week with some lightning round headline round up. Boeing whistleblowers, Helldivers 2 scandals, and a rap battle for the ages. That plus a lightning round Highway to the Hellhouse where we dive into some of the best news for each candidate. Your number one delayed news source is here, on Zero Credit(s).

Episode 340: Kayfabe On/Off – John Doxxes Himself

As part of a special Highway to the Hellhouse lead-in, John takes the unprecedented step to reveal his true identity. It’s really insane that he did this. Like truly, truly mind blowing. I never thought we’d see the day, but here it is. That and some juicy Rock gossip, right here on Zero Credit(s).

Episode 339: John Had a Lot of Fun on This One

When I tell you that Henry was unprepared for this episode, let it be known that he had prepared topics to discuss but it was all thrown out as soon as John joined the call. Tesla, some Trump related Highway to the Hellhouse news, and some shady uses of AI are coming at you, as well as a lot of things John has in store, right here on Zero Credit(s).

Supplemental Reading: Godzilla x Kong: The New Empire

Join us as we venture to Hallow Earth in this deep drive of Adam Wingard’s 2024 feature film Godzilla x Kong: The New Empire. How will this latest addition to the Monsterverse stack up to previous entries? How will this supposed Godzilla movie stack up to other recent Godzilla offerings? Is there merit in trying to recreate the feeling of an 80’s toy aisle? All these questions answered, somewhat, right here on Zero Credit(s).