Monthly Archives: December 2021

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Episode 243: Best/Worst 2021

Today is the final day of the year and on this day, we reflect on the top ten categories of said year to determine the best and worst things in each category. Why do we do this? To give us insight on whether the year was a good or a bad to place it within the confines of our meager human existence. 2021 is ending now.

If you start listening to this episode at 9:20pm, you’ll be able to finish it with five seconds to spare before midnight.

Banner Image for Episode 242: Featuring the Best Rhyme of the Podcast

Episode 242: Featuring the Best Rhyme of the Podcast

Well, the nights are growing…somehow warmer, here in Texas, but longer all the same. The Honda Days are upon us and in that revelry, we have a very fun news of the weird local piece to regale you with, hopefully. We then pivot briefly into a feel good story of nature before devolving back into Spider-Man talk. Next episode will be Best/Worst 2021, so buckle up and get ready, cause it’s coming for you. Happy Honda Days everyone!

Banner Image for Episode 241: Happy Honda Days

Episode 241: Happy Honda Days

As we continue to trudge forward in the No Man’s Land between Thanksgiving and New Years, we come across a number of mass layoffs in different industries that just don’t sit right with us. Henry and John are incensed against this kind of thing, especially at this time of year, so let’s listen to them simmer and stir up their anger while trying to remain professional (doesn’t last long). We also have some brief video game industry updates as well as a really neat update to the upcoming Spiderverse movie, so buckle up and enjoy the Lexus December to Remember Sales Event right here on Zero Credit(s).

Banner Image for Episode 240: The No Man's Land Between Thanksgiving and Christmas

Episode 240: The No Man’s Land Between Thanksgiving and Christmas

We’re in it folks – that time of the year when legally we should be able to just coast but the world keeps turning and asking things of us even though they won’t get done well into the new year. What do we do with wasteland energy? How do we weather this desolate landscape? We don’t have the answer, but we’ll sure talk about it at length with no real conclusions. The only good news in this maligned time is that Spider-Man isn’t going anywhere folks. We’ve got that and a little less, right here on Zero Credit(s).