Episode 106: The John Denver Cross Media Platform But Still Largely Cinematic Universe

Henry’s back from the mountain with some very secretive cosmic secrets to share that just might reveal a conspiracy that goes all the way to the top (of Colorado). How many times have you noticed John Denver’s Country Roads (Take Me Home) in media? Maybe a little. . .too much? Hmmm. John then steers us unto a much more serious matter about things we encounter every single ding dong day of our gosh darn lives, man. And that’s streaming services. Sounds like there’s a new one in town curtailed by the one and only auteur film director Nicolas Winding Refn , whom we all know personally and love. Take it or live it, fams. Oh and happy Fourth of July, you American listeners, you. Independence is just a big enough thing to celebrate that it almost just barely fails to eclipse all of the injustices and anti-freedoms that our country is performing on an hourly if not even more frequent basis. It’s a mixed back of snacks, filled with centers that will both uplift and depress you, but at least there’s still the World Cup to discuss for one more week. Will John’s team of Croatia beat Henry’s team of Englan–what’s that? Oh, Croatia won? Huh. Well. Find out the thrilling conclusion of the World Cup Corner, next week, after it already happens!