Episode 92: Shmaylights Shmaving Shmime

It’s that time of year, folks. Flowers start to bloom. Birds unearth themselves from their underground nap. And most US citizens suffer from the mass delusion that physically moving time forward an hour is worth it because…??? Seriously, name one legitimate benefit from moving the clocks ahead an hour. My mom used to say it was for after school activities, so that there’d be light out for football practice, etc., but school let out at 2:25 pm so that never made sense and neither did she. I think it’s the highest time to stop falling for this social experiment of a garbage fire and abolish Daylight Saving Time.

Also discussed: South by Southwest, Musical Paradoxes in Movies, and Advice on Not Seeking Happiness. But seriously, it’s mostly the DST thing. Also a note, the episode is about twenty minutes shorter due to last week’s monster of an episode. Equivalent exchange and all.