Banner Image for Episode 262: Jamie Hates Bad Comic Book Villians Who Are from Movies and Comic Books

Episode 263: Jamie Hates Bad Comic Book Villains Who Are from Movies and Comic Books (Ft. Jamie)

It’s John’s birthday! But he came down with covid, so he isn’t here to celebrate. Instead, we bring back a guest host we haven’t seen since reality split that one time. Does she remember what happened back then? No. She does not, because that wasn’t her. Instead, please enjoy the comedic stylings of Jamie as Henry and Jamie navigate some headlines (and their marriage) to get to the bottom of why all the villains are getting movies and sequels. We’ve got that and a little more, right here on Zero Credit(s).

Music Credits:
Casa Bossa Nova Kevin MacLeod (
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License